Prophecy Designs Icons

Iconography of Life

This Icon has been in ministry as a blessed window to the Love and mercy of God. This past year the Iconography of Life Icon has been present at many prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthood locations, Rachael’s Vineyard Retreats, Masses for expectant parents, parents of miscarried babies and Masses for babies who were aborted and their families….we have witnessed God’s Love and this is reason to have the Icon present during the Prayer Vigil for Life and Mass.

Guardian Angel Icon

This Guardian Angel Icon was commissioned as a gift for the birth of Baby Olivia.

St. George Icon

This Icon was commissioned by a Church in Samtredia, Georgia

St. Michael the Archangel Icon

Father Stan Kryzton anointed the Icon on Father’s Day, June 17, 2012, at St. Vincent de Paul Church, Yardville NJ
The Church blessing is considered the 21st step of the Ladder for Icon Writing (Anagoge). This anointing is referred to as the ’Second Name Giving’ and represents the energetic spiritual union of the Image with the Prototype.

Arch Angel Gabriel Icon

Theotokos, Mother of God icon

Seraphim Angel Icon