Prophecy Designs Icons at the 2018 March for Life Expo
Prophecy Designs Icons was proud to partake in the 2018 March for Life Expo at the Renaissance Washington DC Downtown Hotel from January 18 through January 19. The Expo is an opportunity for March for Life attendees to connect with pro-life organizations and ministries.
Iconographer, Kristina Sadley and her husband, Jim were on hand representing Prophecy Designs Icons.
On display at the Prophecy Designs Icons exhibit was the ‘Iconography of Life’ Icon written by the hand of Kristina Maria Sadley. The Icon was a prayer request of Seminarian Maxwell Vilwock, St. John Vianney Seminary, Miami, FL and depicts the Love of Jesus Christ Emmanuel within Mary and the unborn baby held in the Arms of God and the Holy Guardian Angel.
“With the theme for the 2018 March for Life ‘Love Saves Lives’, we believe truly in God’s love for His children, the intercession of Mary, the Holy Guardian Angels and Saints
as well as the souls of all the unborn babies forever in the loving Presence of God! This is the intercession inspiring the creation of the Iconography of Life Icon.”