Iconography Class September 2018
Iconography class yesterday was held at Kristina’s studio in Robbinsville, NJ. Five Iconographers from the Paramus area, gathered for the day to continue work on the Icon of ‘The Theotokos, Our Lady of the Sign’. This icon prototype is ancient, derived from the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel. As early as the forth century this image of a woman praying with her palms uplifted, praying, was transformed in Christian art to the image of the Virgin Mary Orans (from orare meaning to pray). Subsequently, in the 11th to the 14 centuries was widely used in churches throughout the east. Over her heart is the image of Christ Emmanuel, to be shown in a transparent orb when completed, indicating the Trinity of God.
After a light lunch of Broccoli Soup and Perogies, it was back to the studio to continue with this prayerful and beautiful work. At the dining room table from left to right: Kristina, Irina, Sandra, Sue, Joyce and Nathalie (standing).